Impact Stories

A Strategic Investment in Tomorrow’s Workforce

From location in Research Park, international brand is fostering innovation and

Daily, millions of people around the world move through doors at malls, hotels, stadiums,
airports, universities, homes and businesses that carry the brand of Curries. Since its founding in
1895, Curries has been at the forefront of door manufacturing, and provides innovative
solutions for fire-rated, windstorm-certified and specialty doors. This spirit of continuous
innovation continues to drive Curries’ success today.

And that spirit underscores the significance of Curries establishing a physical presence in the
Iowa State University Research Park. This strategic move reflects Curries' commitment to
engaging with academia, fostering collaboration with Iowa State and other manufacturing
leaders, and leveraging closer proximity to emerging talent to cultivate a pipeline of skilled

Pamela Lampman, the Director of Human Resources at Curries’ Mason City location, says
continuous innovation and talent development are priorities for the company, which has more
than 700 employees.

“We have had a presence over the years at the engineering job fairs at Iowa State and have
worked with students in the engineering department,” Lampman says. “As a company we began
looking at ways we could be more formal in recruiting students. Several contacts suggested we
look at options in the Research Park.”

Engaging with Emerging Talent

While Curries has been very involved on campus for years, the prospect of opening an office in
Ames was increased after company representatives were treated to a tour of the Research Park.
The tour, led by Research Park staff, offered a closer look at how other internationally
recognized brands were strategically putting space adjacent to campus to work.

“We went down with a group of our engineers, and we were surprised at how many Midwest-
based companies had offices in the Research Park,” Lampman says. “A lot of them are
manufacturers in rural areas like us. As we learned more, we saw the benefit to having a
physical presence where we could more easily engage with students and faculty exploring new
materials engineering.”

Among the first hires at the office in Ames was IT intern Carly Seeck. A developer, Seeck serves
on the team that pushes the technological envelope at Curries, including supporting innovations
in software that supports a wide range of electronic key management hardware in the
company’s products. These software solutions underpin the critical operations of some of
America’s biggest companies, along with organizations around the world.
Seeck says the internship was a valuable experience.

“They understand that being a student comes first,” Seeck says of Curries. “They were always
available to talk, help, and teach me new things that I wasn’t necessarily familiar with coming
in. They were extremely accessible and very willing to teach. They wanted me to be successful.”

Investing in the Future Workforce

Curries’ approach proved a win-win. At the completion of her internship, Curries hired Seeck

"I've already made so many connections,” Seeck says. “The networking opportunities and
maturing within the company has been big for me. I've learned a lot of soft skills as well as
developing skills like how to talk in business meetings and how to collaborate with other
developers. None of this would have happened without Curries opening an office in the
Research Park."

Lampman says that while the office is still new and Seeck’s experience proved to be a home run,
the program is still evolving. Curries looks forward to continuing to tap into emerging talent
pools and putting an emphasis on building its relationship with Iowa State. By engaging on both
fronts, Curries hopes to ensure students are building the knowledge and skills necessary to
meet industry needs.

“We are eager to continue to grow our engagement with students through internships,
collaborative projects, and career development programs,” Lampman says. “We are excited
about the potential for future collaboration and initiatives aimed at integrating Curries into the
Research Park and the vibrant community that encompasses Iowa State.”

Excitedly Looking Ahead

As Curries settles into its new office space at the Research Park, Lampman envisions hosting
executives and engaging with academic partners to drive innovation and talent development.
The company's proactive approach towards talent acquisition and collaboration underscores its
dedication to staying ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.

“For us, this signifies much more than just establishing a physical presence in Ames and near
Iowa State,” Lampman says. “It represents a strategic investment in talent development and
collaborative innovation. This show we are serious about fostering a community of innovation
and we’re looking forward to making significant contributions to the dynamic ecosystem of the
Research Park.”