Economic Development

Delivering for Iowa

The value of Iowa State’s $5 billion economic impact for fiscal year 2022-23 is measured by its:

  • Cutting-edge research
  • Economic development support for business and industry
  • Student and visitor spending
  • Alumni earnings
  • Campus operations and construction
  • Extension and Outreach

Specifically, the EDIR team is instrumental in driving the economy locally, regionally and across the state. Our team offers easy access for individuals and businesses across a variety of industries to world-class expertise and facilities at the university. 

Iowa State’s $5 billion impact:

  • Supports 57,142 jobs or one out of every 36 jobs
  • Adds $1.7 billion to Iowa’s economy from startup and spinoff companies
  • Increases lifetime earnings by $1.1 million per graduate with a bachelor’s degree
  • Is approximately 2.4% of the state’s total gross state product